A* ALGORITHM BASICS FOR PATH FINDING A* , widely used known form of best-first search & path planning algorithm nowadays in mobile robots,games. this is the function for A*, f(n) = g(n) + h(n) g ( n ) is the cost of the path from the start node to n , and h ( n ) is a heuristic function that estimates the cost of the cheapest path from n to the goal This will find cheapest f(n) value in neighbor nodes to archive goal node. check below image A to B path finding with g(n),h(n),f(n) value In the final level check below image Now we will check the Algorithm // A* Search Algorithm 1. Initialize the open list 2. Initialize the closed list put the starting node on the open list (you can leave its f at zero) 3. ...
Genetic Algorithm Library (GAlib) Compiling Error Fixed(ga.h: No such file or directory) : ARGoS Simulator
if you didn't try to setup argos just follow my previous post using below link Getting Started with ARGoS Large-Scale Swarm Robot Simulator in Ubuntu When you are facing below error while you try to compile argos in your ubuntu system galib_phototaxis_loop_functions.h:14:20: fatal error: /ga/ga.h: No such file or directory compilation terminated normally what we do? we search this lib in google then we try to compile it but here if you download this GALIB lib from its official website from here http://lancet.mit.edu/ga/ its never work correctly because last update of this package 1999 so you guys need to change lots of c++ compiler based commands styles in many files so download the GALIB from this link https://github.com/jibsen/galib & compile based on that page instruction finally you need to change the files location in argos examples follow the steps go to /src/argos3-examples/loop...