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Showing posts from November, 2019

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 A* ALGORITHM BASICS FOR PATH FINDING A* , widely used  known form of best-first search & path planning algorithm nowadays in mobile robots,games. this is the function for A*,                                     f(n) = g(n) + h(n) g ( n ) is the cost of the path from the start node to n , and h ( n ) is a heuristic function that estimates the cost of the cheapest path from n to the goal This will find cheapest f(n) value in neighbor nodes to archive goal node. check below image  A to B path finding with g(n),h(n),f(n) value In the final level check below image Now we will check the Algorithm // A* Search Algorithm 1. Initialize the open list 2. Initialize the closed list put the starting node on the open list (you can leave its f at zero) 3. ...

Genetic Algorithm Library (GAlib) Compiling Error Fixed(ga.h: No such file or directory) : ARGoS Simulator

 if you didn't try to setup argos just follow my previous post using below link Getting Started with ARGoS Large-Scale Swarm Robot Simulator in Ubuntu When you are facing below error while you try to compile argos in your ubuntu system galib_phototaxis_loop_functions.h:14:20: fatal error: /ga/ga.h: No such file or directory compilation terminated normally what we do?   we search this lib in google then we try to compile it but here if you download this GALIB lib from its official website from here     its never work correctly because last update of this package 1999 so you guys need to change lots of c++ compiler based commands styles in many files so download the GALIB from this link    & compile based on that page instruction  finally  you need to change the  files location in argos examples follow the steps go  to /src/argos3-examples/loop...

Getting Started with ARGoS Large-Scale Swarm Robot Simulator in Ubuntu

ARGoS (Autonomous Robots Go Swarming) is a multi-robot simulator designed to support large teams of robots. Its design is pretty different from the design of other simulators. Its most distinctive feature is that the 3D simulated world can be divided in regions, and each region can be assigned to a different physics engine. Furthermore, ARGoS' design revolves around the concept of tunable accuracy. In other words, in ARGoS, everything is a plug-in (robot models, sensors, actuators, physics engines, visualisations, etc) and the user can select which plug-ins to use for an experiment.  Since different plug-ins have different accuracy and computational costs, users can choose which plug-ins to use for each aspect of the simulation and assign resources only where it matters. This makes the simulation as fast as possible. At the time of writing, ARGoS supports the Swarmanoid robots (foot-bot and eye-bot) and the e-puck. ARGoS supports Linux and Mac OSX. Binary packages are availa...


A hash table is an unordered collection of key-value pairs, where each key is  unique .  for each key value, hash function will generate the unique index then that key value will stored in that unique index as look like storing in normal array. so next what is Direct-address tables We shall assume that no two elements have the same key , to represent the dynamic set, we use an array, or direct-address table  here T is the hash table k is the key value DIRECT -ADDRESS -SEARCH (T, k)              return T [k] DIRECT -ADDRESS -INSERT (T, x)             T [key[x]] ← x DIRECT -ADDRESS -DELETE (T, x)             T [key[x]] ← NIL Each of these operations is fast: only O(1) time is required. Let have a look in HASH TABLE Collision resolution by chaining      ...


Happy to write about swarm robots in my blog, keep on checking my blog guys more interesting stuffs are waiting for you , This is a turning point for robotics lovers & my first post about swarm robots A short & quick Introduction about Swarm Robotics have a look Swarm robotics is defined as, "the study of how a large number of relatively simple physically embodied agents can be designed such that a desired collective behavior emerges from the local interactions among agents and between the agents and the environment" Have a look below video to get an quick understanding about swarm robots,its from Big Hero 6  movie  what are the special things in Swarm Robotics scalable system’s efficiency will not affect  addition or removal of robots do not change the functioning or efficiency of a swarm robotic system purely based on local sensing the system is adaptable and flexible applicable to dynamic problem scenarios single robot faults won’t affec...
